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Swiss Disposable Vape News

Time: 2022-08-16

Views: 631

Disposable e-cigarettes enter Switzerland: sales increase by 30% per month

New disposable e-cigarettes are especially popular among young people.

Compared to traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes do not burn tobacco. Instead, a liquid is heated - and the resulting vapor is inhaled by the smoker. Most e-vapers still contain nicotine. The likelihood of addiction is correspondingly high.

E-cigarettes are nothing new.

But until recently, e-cigarette users had to use bulky devices. However, in recent years, countless new products have come on the market and have grown in popularity. Includes convenient disposable e-cigarettes. The Elfbar brand is especially popular with young people. Electronic cigarettes come in a variety of bright colors.

Mario Pappo, 51, president of the Swiss e-cigarette trade association, said sales of single-use e-cigarettes have grown by 30 percent each month since the start of the year. They now account for 30% of the e-cigarette market.

With increasing popularity comes an increasing selection of products and different flavors.

Valeria K. (25) says: It reminds me of hookah. Some contain nicotine, some do not. Different strengths and brands.

According to a recent study in the United States, fruit flavors have an 82 percent market share. So-called ice or cold varieties are also popular, which contain synthetic refrigerants. As a result, they develop a minty mint flavor and a cool smoky feel.

Manufacturers often market e-cigarettes as an alternative to traditional cigarettes.

Mario Pappo says: In Switzerland, 10,000 people die every year from tobacco use. The goal of marketing e-cigarettes is to provide adult smokers with an alternative that is 95% less harmful.

Electronic alternatives, however, aren't actually healthy: Vapor contains toxins, nicotine is addictive, and even without smoke, the lungs can be stressed. Prevention experts also criticized the fact that e-cigarettes are not only consumed by former smokers, but also by introducing them to new customers.

Fruity and fresh flavors are especially attractive to you to spend more, they say.

Valeria K. also commented: If he doesn't, he'll smoke. If I walk 50 meters to the mailbox, I won't light a cigarette. On the other hand, wipes are always ready in my pocket.

The Swiss Tobacco Prevention Working Group also criticized the marketing of single-use e-cigarettes.

“Colorful, trendy and rich in nicotine and other chemicals. Stylish designs appeal primarily to young people. Plus, they look so imperceptible that teachers and parents barely notice them.” Tobacco Prevention Working Group Director Luciano Rugia said.

Improper disposal of new single-use e-cigarettes can also pollute the environment. Empty single-use e-cigarettes contain batteries, metals and chemical residues. It's surprising how popular they are among the environmentally conscious younger generation.

Valeria K. is also aware of this. He said it was okay and it was comfortable.

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