Time: 2023-09-02
Views: 538
According to Indonesian media Viva on August 31, the Indonesian Parliament (DPR) recently passed the Health Act No. 17 of 2023. The bill is seen as providing legal certainty for the e-cigarette industry, which includes e-cigarettes as addictive substances.
Teguh Basuki A Wibowo, Chairman of the Indonesian Electronic Nicotine Industry Alliance (APPNINDO), stated that incorporating electronic cigarettes as solid and liquid tobacco products into the legal framework not only legitimizes industry participants, but also helps Indonesian smokers find alternative products.
Taigu explained that this law also provides citizens with more freedom of choice and allows them to determine alternative products under legal protection.
We look forward to the future government formulating policies related to the electronic cigarette industry based on scientific evidence
He further stated that this law puts Indonesia on an equal footing with other countries, which also have legal frameworks for e-cigarettes, such as the Philippines and the United Kingdom, which regulate the circulation and quality of e-cigarettes for adult consumption only.